Best Value Stream Mapping Services & Training in Mumbai

Value Stream Maps

To achieve 100% efficiency in manufacturing, we need perfect balance between time, money, and quality. In reality, it is not easy to achieve this. However, we have an opportunity to make continuous improvements. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a great tool for any business to begin journey towards perfection. A VSM efficiently addresses all key process steps and supply chain needs across all domains and value points within a business model. Value Stream Mapping can be used to manage and scale supply chain operations in the services as well as manufacturing industries.

How Does ARROWHEAD map your Value Stream Efficiently?

Making Manufacturing “Lean”

Lean manufacturing is a systematic methodology that strives to reduce Lean waste, create sustainable customer value, and maintain continuous process improvement. This system adapts traditional lean project management principles, techniques, and tools in the mainstream supply chain.

Five principles of Lean Manufacturing System:

– Map value stream from order entry to dispatch for specific product, product family or site

– Identify all value add and non-value add time within the system

– Identify push or pull flow between each work center

-Clearly establish a ratio of Value Add : Non-Value Add

– Build an Ideal State with lean concepts for drastic improvement in VA:NVA ratio

In every VSM, ARROWHEAD begins with clearly identifying all opportunities that can be simplified/optimized/eliminated/improved within any process from Order entry to Dispatch, that have repeatable steps-specially one with multiple handoffs. In manufacturing, handoffs are easier to visualize because they typically involve handing over specific deliverables through the site.

Once this is done, ARROWHEAD’s Black Belts help identify all kaizen opportunities with defined targets that can significantly improve your ratio of non-value versus value added time.

How ARROWHEAD Will Help Your Organization To Execute Value Stream Mapping Effectively?

How ARROWHEAD Will Help Your Organization To Execute Value Stream Mapping Effectively?


We document all the current upstream/downstream processes.

Process Breakdown

We identify and list every step inside these processes

Customer Value

We take a look at each step and determine which adds value and which doesn’t


We identify difficulties or obstacles in the current process for perfection


We identify significant initiatives to reduce waste


We help to assign tasks and responsibilities once the work is done.

Kaizen Opportunities

We help identify all areas which can be directly impacted using a kaizen approach. For improvements that cannot be solved by Kaizen, we build project charters with defined G&Os.

VSMs are of three types:

Production: Specific to what happens on production floor including production planning

Extended: Includes either supply chain or collections from customer upon goods receipt or both supply chain and collections

Enterprise: Also called Baseline Event, where organizational activities across all functions that are involved from onboarding a customer to delivering on an order are mapped to identify Value-Add and Non-Value Add within each function.

ARROWHEAD Consulting is deeply embedded in Value Stream Mapping services based in Mumbai. Our capabilities range across Value Stream Mapping training, VSM services for enterprises of all types of industries and sectors.

Your organization needs to be an efficient machine with well-oiled processes, and we’d love to work with you on that. So, are you ready to improve your value delivery?



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